Ball Winder Apology
When I’m asked which is more useful, I usually reply: the ball winder. I know it’s often advisable to buy a swift before you have a ball winder. But for me, the opposite is more practical.
When I’m asked which is more useful, I usually reply: the ball winder. I know it’s often advisable to buy a swift before you have a ball winder. But for me, the opposite is more practical.
I promise, knitting is not a criterion when I choose books for my little chick! However, we did get some nice surprises when we opened some of the books, with a bit of knitting hidden here and there. Always gentle and full of kindness, no cliché of the bitter old grandmother knitting a scarf full of holes, thankfully!
I don’t have many baking tin in my cupboards because I like all-in-one ones. A bit like the interchangeable circular needles that can be used for knitting in the round, flat knitting, putting on hold, provisionnal cast-on, can be disassembled and reassembled as needed, and some have little holes for threading a life-line through. Handy all-in-ones, aren’t they?
It’s possible to read and knit. The sentence I never thought I’d write. I’ve changed my mind and now think it’s just as possible to do Knitflix as Tricolivre. If you’d like to try your hand at knitting, here are a few ideas to make things easier for you.
ou à un tricoteur ! 😉 Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l’année et des festivités qui l’accompagnent, je me suis mis à
Il y a quelques temps, j’ai voulu faire une petite expérience: repriser des chaussettes du commerce. Après tout, nous reprisons nos chaussettes tricotées alors pourquoi
I don’t know how many hours I’ve already spent on Pinterest browsing the various pins … and wanting to buy all the pretty wools and
Today is International Rare Disease Day. It’s also the last day to contribute to my donation to l’Écheveau Solidaire by buying the pattern for the Mélusine bonnet.
ps: in addition to my bi-monthly letter in which I give a glimpse of behind-the-scene of tisserin coquet and share with you all of my latests favourites in the crafting world, you’ll also get 20% off all my new patterns.