Tisserin Coquet

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Little details

For this first cardigan pattern, I chose a very simple base. As with all my favorite sweaters and cardigans, here it’s all about the little details: the folded collar for a snug fit, the tubular bind-off to keep the ribbing edge clean and elastic … and the little extra pocket(s) that can be embroidered.

Ball Winder Apology

When I’m asked which is more useful, I usually reply: the ball winder. I know it’s often advisable to buy a swift before you have a ball winder. But for me, the opposite is more practical.

One stitch at a time: October 2023

My life as a designer, one stitch at a time 🧶🐑🐤
The most-read posts of the month, my reading of the moment, and a behind-the-scenes look at what’s coming soon.

What’s next?

I have a lot of knitting desires now that the mojo is back. Especially as I find that knitting a few stitches here and there is much easier when doing knitolire rather than knitflix.
My list of desires (and commitments) is long … and it’s only getting longer as the days go by.

Maeve cardigan

I loved knitting every stitch! From the first to the very last, this little bolero/gilet was truly refreshing and re-energizing.