The ALL-IN-ONE sock knitting pattern created by Tisserin Coquet


With endless possibilities at your fingertips, take the lead in creating your dream pair by experimenting with a variety of cuffs, heels, and toes!

Cuff-down & Toe-up

3 sizes

5 cuffs
3 heels
3 toe

infinite variations

Sock knitting is like an indulgent ice cream parlor; just as my preferred vanilla flavor occasionally entices me toward pistachio, chocolate, or mango, sock patterns offer a plethora of possibilities. With Bourbon, you’ll craft more than just standard socks; this pattern opens a world of creativity. Similar to selecting an ice cream flavor, you can mix and match a delightful array of components—cuffs, heels, and toes—to create your ideal sock combination!

The Bourbon pattern stands as a classic stockinette recipe, inviting you to explore numerous options:

  • Choose from five cuff variations, including rolled edge, picot edge, and assorted ribbings.
  • Explore two distinct heel designs: flap heel with two different motifs and the afterthought heel.
  • Experiment with three toe styles: double-sloped, rounded, or star toes.
  • Sizes: S [M, L] to fit foot circumference of
    19 [21, 23] cm / 7 ½ [8 ¼, 9]”
  • Yarn: 270 [360, 400] m / 295 [394, 437] yds of fingering weight yarn.
  • Needles: 2.5 mm / US #1.5 – at least 60 cm / 24” circular needle for magic loop, or double-pointed needles, or two circular needles to work in the round.
  • Other notions: Stitch markers, tapestry needle; waste yarn for the afterhtought heel; spare needle set for the picot edge.
love to knit on-the-go?

Sock knitting is the ideal project to knit EVERYWHERE! It’s small enough to fit in almost any purse as you only need your needles and one ball of fingering yarn. To be even more compact, you can choose to knit one sock after the other and only use 50 g yarn balls. Whether you prefer to knit small diameters with double-pointed needles, mini circular needles or the magic-loop technique, grab your yarn, your needles and the pattern and let’s knit some socks!

chloé, créatrice et designer de tisserin coquet

I come from a family of craftswomen. I learnt to embroider at the age of 3 and have since developed a love for thread, fabric and yarn. I rediscovered the pleasure of knitting during my university years, when I had to spend several hours on public transport every day. I soon started creating my own patterns to play and experiment with colours and textures.

I focus on simple but original designs, because I’m convinced that every technique, no matter how complicated it may seem, can be learned or used if it’s properly taught or explained even if you’re at your early stages of learning to knit!

PS: I love natural, warm colours, speckled wools, single yarns, socks, cosy jumpers and forget-me-nots, so be prepared to see a lot of that in my corner of the fiber world 🍂🌿

Like all my patterns, this one has been professionally edited and then tested by enthusiasts. This means I can offer you simple, easy-to-follow patterns so you can enjoy your knitting time to the full.